Lake Road Family Medicine continues to monitor the Coronavirus COVID-19 situation and will update our protocol accordingly with our staff. Our patient’s health and safety are one of our top priorities.
- Upon arrival to Lake Road Family Medicine for your appointment please call 503-908-5880 to check in. A team member will bring needed paperwork to your car and/or collect completed paperwork. Our waiting area will remain closed until further notice and we ask that you wait in your car until a room is available.
- Most cases of COVID-19 are mild. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 – fever, cough, flu-like symptoms – it’s recommended you stay home until you feel well. If your symptoms worsen, and you have questions about your care, please call our office before visiting our facility. For severe symptoms – high-fever, changes in consciousness, shortness of breath – please call 911 or go to the closest emergency room. We will let you know if/when this changes and there is a role for wider testing, which is not available at this time. Our office does not have the capability to perform testing for Covid-19.
- All rooms, pens, stethoscopes, beds, chairs, restrooms will be wiped down between every patient and again on a regular hourly schedule.
- All toys and magazines have been removed from our waiting areas.
How to Prepare - CDC Recommendations
How to Protect Yourself - CDC Recommendations
What To Do if You Are Sick - CDC Recommendations
Manage Anxiety & Stress - CDC Recommendations
Oregon specific updates - Oregon Live
Cases and Latest Updates - USA CDC
With the rapidly changing guidelines and recommendations from the State and CDC, we will continue to keep everyone informed to the best of our ability. Our number one priority is to keep our staff and patients healthy so we can continue to provide the best care for our patients.
Stay Safe and Healthy!
New Portal
Please note that our patient portal is a different website as of 12/01/2018. If you have not done so, please contact our office to register for the new patient portal. We appreciate your patience during this transition.